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Installation Tips




Be sure to install your turfgrass on the same day of delivery or pickup if possible. Begin by laying the sod lengthwise along a straight edge on freshly tilled or raked dirt. Edges should be butted tightly together, but not overlapping. You will want to stagger the sod pieces similar to a row of bricks so that the seams do not line up row after row. You will need to use a sharp knife or machete to cut around curves, sprinkler heads, or other objects in your yard. 


Start lightly watering as you complete the installation process. It is important to keep the turfgrass moist to prevent wilting and drying the roots. Once all turfgrass has been installed, it needs to be packed down to ensure a level surface and to press out any air pockets. This can be done by using a roller, lawnmower wheels, foot traffic, etc. 


Newly installed turfgrass should be kept consistently wet for the first 7-10 days. However, do not let water puddle. If you notice water beginning to puddle, we advise decreasing the watering time and increasing the watering frequency.

Once your turfgrass is established, we recommend watering 2 to 3 times per week. Bermudagrass requires approximately 1 inch of water per week during the growing season.  Early morning watering is best. Water requirement drops significantly during the dormant season.


To maintain your new turfgrass lawn you should begin mowing it around 2 weeks after installation. For a healthy lawn, mow frequently enough that you remove no more than 1/3" of the leaf surface at any given time.


Fertilize your turfgrass every 30 to 60 days to ensure a healthy lawn by using a fertilizer with high nitrogen, medium phosphorous, and medium potassium such as 15-5-10.

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